construction site

When you are in control of a construction site, it is imperative that you take the time to develop and conduct a Security Risk Assessment. They are extremely important to have when it comes to your site’s health and safety management plan and they also need to be reassessed on a regular basis to account for changes needed. Here are the steps you need to take to insure your business’s site is accounted for and taken care of, correctly.

1. Identify the security risks

While there will always be health and safety risks to any security site, here, we focus upon the security risks that come with your site. Security risks vary from site to site depending upon location, amount of workers, the equipment being used, and what type of work is being done. With this being said, be sure to identify those which directly align with your construction site. It will not be beneficial to you or the Security Risk Assessment if you are to follow a generic list of what may or may not be present at your site.

Here are some examples:

– Not enough light
– Uneven ground
– Nowhere to safely store the machinery/equipment being used
– Site is in a High-Crime area
– No security systems were put in place on the premises.

2. Assess and prioritize risks

Once you feel you have accurately identified all the security risks that your construction site faces, it is now time to assess and prioritize those risks. The easiest way to do this is to label the risks: high, medium or low. Just as long as the list is readable and understandable to anyone else who reads it.

3. Create a Mitigation plan and reduce your risks

Next, you should go ahead and create a mitigation plan or a “plan of action”. Stating what you are going to do differently to help your site flourish instead of crash. The mitigation plan will also identify who is in charge of implementing the security measures. Contact your local police department and ask them what the best practices are in order to keep the site well maintained, properly organized, and safe for everyone who enters it. This is also an opportunity to research local security businesses in your area that are well equipped for guarding your construction site. They can assess the site as well and be a helping hand in deciding what is the best security measure for you to use. Be sure to call GuardVision in order to best help you and your safety needs.

4. Reassess and Update

Due to the constantly changing nature of Construction Sites, it is important to keep up with the Security Risk Assessment and the Mitigation Plan. Anywhere from once a quarter to once a year will work depending upon how long the site is under construction and what all is being done there. This also helps keep track of where improvements have been made and where they haven’t and helps hold the individual in charge of these Assessments accountable as well.