Fence on a construction site

Finding the correct security camera system for your office, event, or property can seem like a cumbersome task. With so many options, companies, and models available, it can be difficult to identify which system is the best option for you.

At Guardvision in Houston, we make that decision easier by offering the best surveillance options at an affordable price. In today’s post we will break down the two most popular surveillance systems — mobile versus pole-mounted — so you can decide which fits your situation.

Before getting into their unique features, it’s important to understand that the names of each system refer to their ability to move, not how the video feed is viewed. That means that you can view the video feed wirelessly from any device connected to the internet for both systems! Ready to learn more? Continue reading below, then contact Guardvision to set up your surveillance system in Houston!

Pole-Mounted Camera Systems

When you think of traditional security cameras, pole-mounted surveillance systems are likely what come to mind. These are the cameras you most often see fixed to a location on both residential and commercial properties, and they come with a wide range of benefits.

If you are considering surveillance system installation for your property, consider the following benefits of pole-mounted cameras:

  • Permanent Attachment — Since the actual system is securely fixed to an area on your property, the permanent attachment offers more stability for video surveillance.
  • Electric Power — These security systems typically run on electric power, meaning they can function regardless of the weather conditions and sunlight. That said, there are solar options for some pole-mounted systems, too.
  • Crime Deterrence — Pole-mounted systems are oftentimes placed in high-traffic areas around the property to deter crime. Because they are usually quite visible and recognizable, they offer an added sense of protection against trespassers and other criminals.
  • License Plate Recognition — Like many of the pole-mounted camera systems perched atop stoplights, these systems are able to recognize license plates to ensure you know who is on your property.

Mobile Camera Systems

Mobile camera systems are those you might see monitoring construction sites with large solar panels underneath them. Whereas pole-mounted systems are often preferred for long-term solutions, mobile camera systems are a great option for those monitoring temporary worksites or other outdoor locations.

Keep these benefits in mind when considering mobile camera systems for your property:

  • Portability — Like their name suggests, these camera systems are mobile, allowing them to be brought into worksites with ease. Usually carried in a trailer with the camera mounted atop a pole, these systems are easy to transport to various locations.
  • Visibility — Because they are not permanently fixed to something like a house or a building, mobile camera systems offer 360-degree surveillance without a structure getting in the way.
  • Solar Power — These security systems are especially useful at sites without electricity as they are completely solar powered! 
  • Short-Term Surveillance — Because of their transportability, mobile camera systems are the perfect option for events, home builds, and other short-term needs.

Depending on your specific needs, we have the security systems for you! If you have any questions about our video surveillance services in Houston, or if you’re ready to install a system on your property, reach out to us today. We can’t wait to hear from you!